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Meinhardt is awarded at the Singapore APEX Corporate Sustainability Awards 2016

Meinhardt (Singapore) Pte Ltd received an award under the Sustainable Business Category at the prestigious Singapore APEX Corporate Sustainability Awards 2016 held on 26th October 2016.

singapore_apex_awardOrganised by the Global United Nations Compact Network of Singapore, Meinhardt, along with several top organisations, gathered at PARKROYAL on Pickering to honor companies committed on integrating Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Sustainability. The award ceremony was graced by guest-of-honour, Mr Masagos Zulkifli, Minister for the Environment and Water Resources.

Being recognized for its sustainable business practices, pro-environment operations & performance management systems, corporate social responsibility, innovation & green technology implementation, Meinhardt has successfully championed sustainability trends and triumphantly contributed to the local & national economy and anti corruption.

Meinhardt’s Director of Water & Environmental Engineering, Mr Arsad Hossain, highlighted during his speech on the impact that designs and solutions have on the environment.

Through the use of modern technology, we have helped our clients address the global energy challenge by reducing the negative environmental impact during the entire design & construction process.

Meinhardt, a leading private global engineering, design & project management firm, has acquired the highest number of BCA’s Green Mark Platinum and Gold Plus awards throughout the years and will continue to be a key benchmark of sustainable business practices to other organisations.